Indian railway parcel manual














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Indian Railway Parcel offices are computerized through Parcel Management System, to facilitate customers, Android application developed for knowing current Parcel Rates In Indian Railway · There is no restriction on booking of personal luggage or merchandise luggage by any train. · Registered Newspapers & Magazines INDIAN RAILWAY COMMERCIAL MANUAL (VOLUME I) BOOKING, CONVEYANCE AND DELIVERY OF PARCELS TRAFFIC 910, Marking of parcels by railway staff. Booking of Railway Parcels meant to be transported through the Indian Railways is done after a manual inspection by the authorities. PARCEL · Extract from IRCM on Parcel · Restoration of Parcel Services in Passenger carrying trains 25.06. · Minimum composition of Indented Parcel Trains 22.06. (Indian) useless to answer when the question is not clear If its indian railway .. you need original receipt with you There are two type of parcel bookingList of parcel express trains currently available for transporting parcels Details of discounts on parcel services offered by Indian Railways In the first review 'Parcel Business in Indian Railways', Audit assessed 24 Para 1101 to 1130 of Indian Railway Commercial Manual – Volume I INDIAN RAILWAY ACT 1989. 2. INDIAN RAILWAYS TRAFFIC CODE (Commercial). 3. COMMERCIAL MANUALS, VOL I (FOR COACHING TRAFFIC). VOL II ( FOR GOODS TRAFFIC ).

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