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Fitbit Aria WiFi Smart Scale Users Manaul details for FCC ID XRAFB201A made by Fitbit, Inc.. Document Includes User Manual Users Manaul.Welcome to Fitbit Aria 2, the Wireless Smart Scale that uses advanced technology to measure weight, body fat percentage, and body mass index (BMI) to help you Aria User Manual Rev C 114-0019. 1. Getting started. The Fitbit Aria® Wi-Fi Smart Scale measures body weight and body fat percentage. Product manual • Read online or download PDF • Fitbit Aria User Manual. Aria User Manual Rev B 114-0019. 1. Getting started. The Fitbit Aria® Wi-Fi Smart Scale measures body weight and body fat percentage. Aria Ex-US User Manual Rev B 114-0132-01. 1. Getting started. The Fitbit Aria® Wi-Fi Smart Scale measures body weight and body fat percentage. Get a more complete picture of your health with the Fitbit Aria Air smart scale that displays your weight and uses Bluetooth technology to sync it to the Fitbit
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